Pianist and artist based in Switzerland.
Carlos Gil-Gonzalo, ironical Man


Carlos Gil-Gonzalo studied in his hometown of Madrid in the piano studio of Professor Dimitri Bashkirov and Professor Claudio Martinez Mehner at the Queen Sofia School of Music with the support of the Banco Santander and the Albéniz Foundation. In 2014, he completed his Bachelor of Music there and later earned his Master of Arts in Music Pedagogy at the Hochschule für Musik in Basel, where he studied with Claudio Martinez Mehner and Tobias Schabenberger.
In 2015, he worked on a project together with the University of Basel about E. Schulhoff, where he worked on the first transcription of an audio recording from Radio Prague. As a soloist, Carlos has performed at Festivals and concerts throughout Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany, and New Zealand.
He has worked as a choir director and accompanist for the Knabenkantorei Basel and for the choir at the Primarschule Volta. He has played with the Basel Sinfonietta Orchestra at the Theater Basel ( ¨Die dreigroschenoper", with music composed by Kurt Weill).
Carlos is also co-founder of Kados Duo (www.kadosduo.com) and an active member of Fx Kollektiv, a contemporary music trio formed by 2 Saxophones and piano based in Basel. In addition to his soloistic and pedagogical pursuits, he recently recorded a CD of chamber music works by Swiss composers for VDE-Gallo Records together with Thomas Wicky and Peter-Lukas Graf.
He is part of the Musikschule Konservatorium Zürich faculty since 2020 where he teaches kids and adults.
3.02.25 Salamanca, Spain, with FX Kollektiv @ [CON]TEMPO Festival​
16.05.25: Switzerland, Tour Fx Kollektiv
7.06.25 Rümlingen Festival with Fx Kollektiv.
13.06.25: Switzerland, Tour Fx Kollektiv
​September 25: Graz, Tour Fx Kollektiv. Telluris.
Past events
29-2.09.2024 Spanien, CD Recording with FX Kollektiv. E. Wubbels, T. Krebs
15.03.2024 Druckereihalle Basel. Atmosphaera. Music by T. Krebs, M. Momi, P. Santiago Chin and Chiyoko Szlavnics
24.03.2024 Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich. Atmosphaera. Music by T. Krebs, M. Momi, P. Santiago Chin and Chiyoko Szlavnics
05.06.2024 Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich. Telluris
06.06.2024 kHaus Basel. Telluris
15.12.2023 Druckereihalle Basel. Vitae. Music by E. Wubbels and B. Lang
14.12.2023 Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich. Music by E. Wubbels and B. Lang
20.10.2023 15:00 h. Longy School of Music, Boston. Workshop for composers.
19.10.2023 Manhattan School of Music, New York. Workshop for composers.
18.10.2023 19:00h Mise en Place. Brooklyn, New York
22.06.2023 ROGR Bern. Programm Buzzer 3 - Music by E. Kikoutchi/O. Pasquet, T. Krebs, A. Frank and N. Vassena
23.06.2023 Ackermannshof Basel. Programm Buzzer 3 - Music by E. Kikoutchi/O. Pasquet, T. Krebs, A. Frank and N. Vassena
25.06.2023 Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich. Programm Buzzer 3 - Music by E. Kikoutchi/O. Pasquet, T. Krebs, A. Frank and N. Vassena
10.03.2023 Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich. Programm Buzzer 2 - Music by P. Ablinger, V. Weinmann and A. Lucier
16.03.2023 Centre Le Phenix Fribourg. Programm Buzzer 2 - Music by P. Ablinger, V. Weinmann and A. Lucier
17.03.2023 PROGR Bern. Programm Buzzer 2 - Music by P. Ablinger, V. Weinmann and A. Lucier
18.03.2023 Ackermannshof Basel. Programm Buzzer 2 - Music by P. Ablinger, V. Weinmann and A. Lucier
11.11.2022 PROGR Bern. Programm Buzzer 1 - Music by A. Frank, O. Escudero and J. Michaels.
14.11.2022 Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich. Programm Buzzer 1 - Music by A. Frank, O. Escudero and J. Michaels.
02.12.2022 Centre Le Phenix Fribourg. Programm Buzzer 1- Music by A. Frank, O. Escudero and J. Michaels.
03.12.2022 Ackermannshof Basel. Programm Buzzer 1 - Music by A. Frank, J. Michaels and O. Escudero